Thursday, October 15, 2009

The New Road Accident Claims Process 2010 - MOJ

Huge changes are on the way for lawyers who deal with road traffic accident (RTA) claims. From April 2010 the beloved MOJ are introducing a new claims process which will radically alter the way these claims are dealt with.

Check this baby out

A few key points from legal spy:

The new process is geared towards reducing time and costs.

If insurers can keep up with the timetables and get rid of claims during stage 1 (nice juicy pre med offers etc) they will save a packet

Claimant lawyers will do what they can to get a case bounced out of the process, make no mistake about that

Clever claimant law firms who can automate the process in house, de-skill and reduce the wage bill to save costs, will also make a packet

The days of claimant lawyers litigating to increase revenues are over

The days of defendant lawyers doing very well indeed on the back of the litigation process are also over (if you work in a def dept - start looking for a job now because by the time the run off happens in 2011-12 you will be stuffed)

What with this and Jackson round the corner, we are going to be faced with many challenges in the industry during the coming years.

Hold on to your hats PI lawyers, its going to be a rough ride!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Medical negligence claims

A pal of mine works in the grim world of clinical / medical negligence claims. He has asked me to plug his site which I unashamedly am more than happy to do.

I used to work in med claims many years ago and have disturbing memories about the cock ups and generally poor attitude of some of the professional people who work in the NHS.

The NHS is an extremely tough environment and I seriously admire anyone who commits to such a vocational life. The problems lie with the beaurocracy, the snobbishness and laziness of some of the consultants who are more than happy to golf on Fridays rather than do their job because they dont want to screw their weekend. But also in the fact that we in the UK expect everything for nothing.

We should contribute more to our healthcare system and I hope the next government will revisit their long buried plans to seek part paid medical services for those that can afford it. For now they are blustering about other things such as getting elected.

More here from the incoming prime minister: